
Material presented on Chinitz Law LLC’s website is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice and should not be construed as such.

The act of sending an email to someone affiliated with Chinitz Law LLC, or submitting information via an electronic or written form, does not create an attorney-client relationship. Furthermore, Chinitz Law LLC cannot represent anyone unless Chinitz Law LLC knows that doing so would not be a conflict of interest, or would require Chinitz Law LLC to practice law in states or courts where Chinitz Law LLC’s attorneys are not licensed to practice or give advice. Accordingly, please do not send Chinitz Law LLC information about representing you in a potential legal matter unless you cleared the matter with the attorney involved. Any unsolicited communication without proper authorization may not be treated as privileged or confidential.

The content of this website may be considered Attorney Advertising under the laws and rules of professional conduct of the jurisdiction(s) in which we practice.

The material presented on this site is included with the understanding and agreement that Chinitz Law LLC is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional services by posting said material. The services of a competent professional should be sought if legal or other specific expert assistance is required.

This website and all the information it contains, or may in the future contain, including, but not limited to, articles, memoranda, bulletins, reports, press releases, opinions, text, directories, guides, photographs, illustrations, trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos, are the property of Chinitz Law LLC, its partners, members, and employees.

Any unauthorized use of the material contained in this website is at the user’s own risk.

Transmission of the information and material herein is not intended to create, and receipt of such material not constitute, an agreement to create an attorney-client relationship with Chinitz Law LLC or any member thereof.

This website is not intended to constitute legal advice or the provision of legal services. By posting·and/or maintaining this website and its contents, Chinitz Law LLC does not intend to solicit legal business from clients located in states or jurisdictions where Chinitz Law LLC or its individual attorneys are not licensed or authorized to practice law.

Some links within this website may lead to other sites. Chinitz Law LLC does not necessarily sponsor, endorse or otherwise approve of the materials appearing in such sites.